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Old January 10th, 2005, 09:51 AM
Micah Perkins Micah Perkins is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Oklahoma City, Ok, USA
Posts: 10
Default Re: What uncertainties do we face in CT/CBT?

I firmly believe in (CBT and REBT). This belief is based upon my reading of the research and my own personal and professional experience. Even though I do believe that it is important for clients to identify and discuss their feelings,. real change (lasting change) occures when they change their thinking and actions (even though they still may not feel like it). How many times have I heard someone say 'I talked and talked and talked about it, but it was only after I realized ________ and did something about it did my life get better.'
Even though I firmly believe in CBT and REBT, they, like all psychotherapies have their limitations. The limitation may be in the theory itself , the particular client, or in the practioner using the theory. To me, there still remains a big void in how to use CBT with families (if anyone has any good books to refer me to, let me know). I think that it is important to use CBT/ REBT as a framework, but to be willing to use techniques from other theories if it is more helpful to the particular client. If leading the client to directly evaluate their thinking is not working, then we have to find other ways to help them change their thinking and actions.
Maybe someday we will find a much better way of helping others, until then, I think this is the best way.
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