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Old July 17th, 2004, 11:55 AM
JustBen JustBen is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 58
Default Re: Client vs. Patient

Thank you for the well-reasoned response, Dr. Reid. All three points were excellent, but I'm particularly intrigued by the third. As someone just beginning his career in mental health care, I have to admit to a low-level anxiety about these "status" issues.

Specifically, I'm worried that an upcoming proposed nationalized health care insurance system would leave my category of professionals, LPC's, (as opposed to psychiatrists, psychologists, and clinical social workers) out in the cold when it comes to reimbursement. While LPCs have a well-defined status in their respective states, I haven't seen much to indicate that the Federal Government even recognizes this category. (This is a particularly strong concern for me, because unlike most of my LPC colleagues, my primary interest is in establishing a private practice, as opposed to working out of a community clinic, which typically has multpile sources of public and private funding.)
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