Thread: Suicide
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Old July 18th, 2004, 03:06 PM
Da Friendly Puter Tech Da Friendly Puter Tech is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 60
Default Re: Suicide

Hey Skip Simpson,

Thanks for the answer, that one has bugged me for quite a while. Reading your answer pretty much tells me that the mental health professionals simply didnt ask. How incredibly alarming. I volunteered for 3 years at a suicide and crisis hotline, and many of those questions would have been asked by paraprofessionals already on the first call. How can professionals completely overlook it!?!

I was shocked that Mrs. Yeates got such a severe punishment simply because she was so obviously sick. I agree she still has some responsibility, just not all of it.

Maybe the responsibility should be shared by those mental health professionals who failed to ask the questions.

I am sure you cant comment on a specific case, but in general what kind of sanctions could mental health professionals - who fail to ask pertinent questions - and that has a deadly outcome be subject to?

Also, since I seem to have your attention ). I noticed on your web site that you list false memories as an area of trial expertise. I would love it if you would comment on what kinds of false memories cases are actually prosecutable. I think this is an area within the mental health field that has so many shades of grey, I bet the cases easily become difficult when they are subject to stright standards of evidence.

Thanks and
Warm regards
Da Friendly Puter Tech
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