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Old February 7th, 2005, 09:30 PM
Tom Rosbrow Tom Rosbrow is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 3
Default Re: "Integrating control-mastery theory & research with other theoretical perspective

A couple of brief thoughts. Judy writes "Pathogenic beliefs might be expanded to include pathogenic cognitive-affective-somatic patterns." My thought reading this was agreement with the addition that imagery should be added into these patterns. People think in images, not just in words or cognitive patterns; our imaginations are an integral part of our psyches and how we 'picture' the world and make sense of ourselves and others. Then in the next posting Paulo Migone mentions images, though in a different way. One difficult with CMT language is that it translates emotional configurations, including images, into beliefs which sound like logical construcs, eg if I grow, then my parent will suffer. I think that Joe, a visual artist, translated imagery into scientific hypotheses as part of his creative process; as in his work on dreams where he would look for or make up the caption that fits the picture. But when we only read or express the scientific side, we run the danger of sounding dry, when implicitly there is much more going on-- this connects with what Rebecca is saying about her struggle with making the theory come to life when teaching.

Tom Rosbrow
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