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Old February 27th, 2005, 12:12 AM
joe_pilot joe_pilot is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: West Virginia, USA
Posts: 9
Default Re: Request info on definitive study

Yeah okay --thanks for your answer. But just like the baby bird, once touched by humans and placed back in the nest, will NEVER AGAIN be embraced by the parent bird... just EXACTLY analogous: any person touched by shrinks will NEVER AGAIN be embraced by society or their peer group. It's a LIFELONG ostracision, literally a condemnation of one's soul to eternal damnation. ["Psyche" is a precise synonym of "soul", according to Websters.] Now, try and sleep tonight!

I detest this life and will be glad when it's over. It's entirely about hero worship... it's entirely unprincipled... it's entirely about despotism, shamanism, tyranny and demagoguery. First your hero is Adolf; then it's someone else; then it's UBL... always follow the leader. It's always a hero worship thing, worship some beast and his image; principles are left behind in the dust.
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