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Old April 3rd, 2005, 11:14 AM
Phil Brownell Phil Brownell is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 23
Default Re: Gestalt Therapy Texbook

Dear "Anna,"
No one paid me. Rather, when the various chapter authors actually were able to contemplate the entire book (after it was published and they had received a copy), there was a spontaneous outpouring of amazement and gratitude - for the scope and the depth as well as for the privilege of having participated in its creation. You inquire into the credibility of these various authors; they are simply the leading thinkers and writers, representing most of the significant Gestalt therapy training centers, in the world. Read it or don't read it. But until you actually know what you're talking about in the discipline of Gestalt therapy and have had a chance to contemplate the book for yourself, you will not appreciate that what I say here about the book is true.

Philip Brownell, M.Div.; Psy.D.
Sr. Editor, Gestalt! (
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