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Old April 18th, 2005, 10:39 AM
James Brody James Brody is offline
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Default Re: Shocking: NYT?Races clearly do exist!

"Identifying someone's ancestry is not racism, discriminating against them on that basis is racism." TS

There's a trivial rule in PA law: mental health records cannot be used as a protection for you but not a sword against you. That is, if you're gonna admit evidence, either side can use it.

I raise the question, "what about discriminating FOR someone on the basis of pigmentation (blacks) or gonads (women in math)

Minorities already embrace differences and genetics in matters of physical health. We even conduct studies that should improve female longevity even though women routinely live 6 years longer than men and for obscure reasons that do not reduce to the idiot things that guys do to impress women (and each other).

Dean Erdel (sp?) remarked the other morning, there is no need for research on women's illnesses until we males live just as long!!!

It seems that a traditional gambit appears in these negotiations: what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine, too. Medicines and genetics are fine if they increase my opportunities but not my responsibilities. And genes and medical research MUST not erode my opportunities to bitch and beg.

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