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Old April 19th, 2005, 11:27 AM
Lizzie Pickard Lizzie Pickard is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 15
Default Re: Red vs. blue explained by white birth rate & Darwinian rational

We know that the better off people are, the more the birth rate drops. Industrialized countries have lower birth rates than third world countries, and so forth. And in our country, we see this trend as well. The bettter off you are, the fewer children you have. And the blue states are better off.

I agree that people in red states are think they looking out for their own survival needs, and this might be "darwinian." However, much as I love Darwin, I think the system of evolution by natural selection is one to get away from as fast as we can. It is a terribly tragic, cruel set up, an arms race based on selfishness, competition and greed. It is certainly a dubious criteria for "success".

One could almost say that the blue states are trying to help out the red states, (because they care what's best for all Americans, not just their own genetic offspring. And guess what! Because they do better- they have more emotional and financial resources, they end up actually paying for what the blue states don't supply for themselves. (And then get name-called as a result.)

Here is a map :

Red States feed at Federal Trough, Blue States Supply the Feed

As for "caring about values" and stable families and so forth, red states divorce a lot more . Massachusetts, which gets portrayed as having no morals, has nearly twice the number stable marriages of Texas, and that's typical of blue states

So if red state "values" are really about caring about families so much, why are blue states splitting their families twice as much blue states?

People who are happier, more emotionally and financially stable are in the position to think about something other than how to feed their baby its next meal. They are able to have a "bigger picture" perspective. They are able to have a less short-sighted, less selfish, and yes, less "Darwinian" approach to life.

Last edited by Lizzie Pickard; April 30th, 2005 at 11:34 AM..
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