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Old May 2nd, 2005, 08:40 PM
Ranada Ranada is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: central indiana
Posts: 5
Default Re: Working together as art therapists

Yes Martin,
I understand and agree with all the discussion that is going on. There are many thing I could comment on and directions I could go, but at this point I am enjoy just taking in all the information I am reading.
It helped very much for me to know that what I am feeling is legitimate of feeling very much alone in the world of art therapy. I have not been able to begin practicing, but feel would be very much benefited if I were to be able to establish contacts 'before' I graduate. I have tried making phone calls but nothing seems to come from them.
There is so much information and so many directions one can go, I hope when I begin practicing that I will be able to use all mediums and methods in the art and play I will do with the children.
I am glad that I also know I will have to also attempt to find a support system of other practicing art and play therapist in the area I decide to settle. Thank you for all your information and insight. Ranada
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