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Old May 8th, 2005, 01:09 PM
peltonsweet peltonsweet is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 4
Default Re: Art therapy and sexual identity

That looks like a very interesting book! It definitely plays into my interest - the expressive art therapies (art therapy in particular) and coming out.

I've just written a draft of a paper that makes an argument for a connection between emotional expression and the mental and physical health of GLBT individuals in the coming out process. I ended up including information about the psychological impact of creating art on the artist - whether it's "Big A Art" such as Rodin or Hemmingway, or "little a art" such as gardening. (Thanks to Claire Michaels for the Big A-little a distinction.)

I believe that art therapy can play a central role in the coming out process. It's a study I'd like to do, that I don't believe has been done before, so any and all input is welcome!

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