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Old June 9th, 2005, 01:02 PM
tonymoco tonymoco is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 1
Default Re: Sleeping with the Client

I find it both fascinating and disappointing that none in a group of psychology "professionals" has commented on the two most glaring aspects of this thread:

-- First, that you were initially atttracted by the sexual innuendo of the title and the hope that it would be a chance to discuss/vent/react/confess around the real issue of your desires to have sex with your clients. I don't know WHY you apparently have such difficulty discussing that issue (fear of peer condemnation about something that is very human?), but you do.

--Second, the many instances in which your own "feelings of sleepiness" have to do with your own unresolved issues/experiences...places where you went to sleep (literally or figuratively) as a child in the face of overwhelming emotional challenges. Regardless of what triggers them, they are YOUR feelings of sleepiness. Attempts to find a client based explanation for them --especially as it relates to a judgement of the individual as "boring" - are irresponsible.

These are the kinds of professional patterns of denial which justifiably give therapists a bad name.
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