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Old August 29th, 2005, 01:43 AM
Brendan Toohey Brendan Toohey is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 11
Default Re: Depression Discussion

Thanks Brian,

I am aware here that the moment I look at 'me not me' that a split has taken effect.

I feel that emphasis is put on the individual in Buddism, as in suffering is related to one's craving or avertion. The field may still present phenomena that one might have craving or avertion to yet releasing oneself from these ways of being, will end suffering. This is very much a co-created field were the senses make contact with the field and how the sensory information is filtered will determine how the field meets us or we meet the field.

I guess what I was questioning in my last post was if reality is subjective then is depression just the responsibility of the owner of that phenomena. Well no if we aknowledge that physiological phenomena can be fixed by forces not always within the contol of merely changing one's subjective reality.

One individual might rise above a sub-field of being in a detention centre another might become depressed, citing the detention as a direct cause. But again the field would be split, by your definition, depression would be the 'in-between' of detainee and detention centre and so on.

Then I come back to what I was curious of in my previous post. Gestalt seems to argue for example that growth occures through contact or meeting. This to me hints at there being universal themes to human experience such as growth through contact. What if ideas such as love, exceptance, I-Thou are deep down universal, could it then be said that those sub-fields like detention centres will severly threaten homeostasis and potentially be measurable in affecting mental health or at least generate identifiable themes across a group. I imagine the enlightened soul may remain balanced in detention but for the rest of us degee's of damage may be inflicted by those sub-fields that lack overall framework's that promote ways of being that sustain us to be healthy and grow.

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