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Old October 20th, 2005, 04:19 AM
briddy briddy is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 2
Default Re: Anyone want to comment???


I agree with your assessment and the effect of "learned" ones on potential participants. I too have seen these mighty attitudes you speak of. What really gets under my skin are ones who not only dialogue in their specialized tongues... they are forthright in claiming they have no interest in giving energy to underlings who want help, be it for a university paper or otherwise. Sometimes all that is wanted or needed is a couple of websites or the name of a book. If a professional can't think of something off the top of their head - what does that say about their working knowledge of the subject matter? It behooves me to think of what the therapeutic relationship would look like with a patient or client (depends on language)....

Case in point: Joelle who should have gone with her gut feeling and hit "edit".

My God - its a FREE club - there are no hoardcurves or ooystirs with frilly napkins the size of tablecloths in this room - throw those who are of lesser minds a bone for crying out loud. At least make yourself look smart even if you dont have a personality.
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