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Old December 28th, 2005, 01:59 AM
John Simon John Simon is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 45
Default Repressed Memories

Mr. Lankton,

I recently went to a training by a person who said he was trained in Ericksonian therapy at the Erickson Foundation. The training was unrelated to anything about hypnosis and Ericksonian therapy but it was mentioned during the course of casual conversation. The person was trying to make the point that hypnosis can help a person remember every detail of their life. The person went on to say that you could pick a day in a child's life before the age of 2 years old and then age regress the person back to that day and then they would remember every detail while in trance. He said that he did this on several occasions with children and then asked the parents to write down their response and that they were the same. Isn’t this the same thing they tried to say during the repressed memory fiasco? This sounds like a bunch of crap to me but I figured that I would go to the source.

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