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Old March 6th, 2006, 05:03 AM
profoundlight profoundlight is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 8
Default Re: There's a prevalent delusion among..

You're intimating that things are different now. That's hardly exonneration. Psych condemns gay bashers, right? 'Was a time not long ago when psych professionals were themselves gay bashers. Prior to 1972 homosexuality was deemed mental illness. And back when slavery was legal, it was deemed 'mental illness' for a slave to desire freedom. Yeah. And shrinks have a long and rich history of human rights abuse.

Sure, you can argue that things are slightly different now, but it doesn't negate the fact that the Psych profession has a history of incompetence, a history of filthy misbehavior, a history of villifying innocent folks, a history of spiritual illness ie. readily embracing whatever dastardly beliefs come down the pike from the prevailing regime and incorporating those prejudices into a sham under the guise of Medicine.

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