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Old March 23rd, 2006, 08:23 PM
Henry Stein Henry Stein is offline
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Default Discussion of CCWAA, Vol. 8, Chapt. VII, VIII, & IX (Neurotic Symptoms, Case History)

On March 27th, we will begin a discussion of The Collected Clinical Works of Alfred Adler, Volume 8, Chapters VII & VIII. The following chapter summaries were prepared by Manu Jaaskelainen.

Ch. VII Postgraduate Lecture No. 7 is a discussion of some further neurotic symptoms. Adler discusses eating problems, menstrual problems, and sexual disturbances. Eating problems have been recently discussed quite a lot in professional literature. It is interesting to note that Adler understood very clearly the connection between life style and eating disturbances. Todya, what we call anorexia nervosa, was hunger strike for Adler. With this concept, Adler wanted to point out that the decision to avoid eating is a kind of protest action. However, Adler emphasizes also that one should never forget that the lack of appetite may well have a medical background; in such cases, psychological methods alone will not help. "Differential diagnosis is always important."
The lecture series presented in Long Island seminar concentrates on a few specific syndromes. It is a very clinical approach that Adler is using here. The lectures do not provide a general view of IP, but instead an in-depth perspective of IP in action.

Ch. VIII Medical Course at Urban Hospital - Lecture No. 1 is the first in a series of lectures Adler gave in Europe, in some Urban Hospital (its name is not known more exactly). The series comprises 18 lectures. They have been unpublished until now. The first lecture is a general overview of IP. Here Adler says once again that it is not enough to know that the individual may have psychological issues behind his/her pains; one should know exactly what the individual situation of the person is, what it has been, and how he/she reacts in different situations.

Ch. IX is Lecture No. 2, and it continues the study of some general principles. There are viewpoints on symptomatology and case-history. Adler discusses all the general viewpoints in the light of a case study concerning a young woman. The lecture is once more a strictly clinical study of this young lady with some neurotic problems.

To order your copy of Volume 8, go to .
Henry T. Stein, Ph.D,
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