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Old May 19th, 2006, 09:56 AM
Fred H. Fred H. is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 483
Default Re: Damasios: Professors of Creativity

Carey: Jeeeze . . . . why don't you two just shut your traps and ignore each other already?
Well, that would seem to require freewill, which MM claims she doesn’t believe in. OTOH Carey, if you’d provide MM with your promised “restatement of your premise on equality and discrimination,” that MM is “still looking forward to,” perhaps that would get her off, so to speak, in another direction, enabling her to reveal how your premise justifies "discrimination" in “politically acceptable ways” and “loftier means,” such as by “freedom of association” and “freedom of thought.”

But maybe I was being insensitive when I suggested that the nasty (and needless) characterizations employed by Margaret—i.e. “bully,” “coward,” “asshole,” “ideologue,”—might apply more to her own rant rather than to my candid assessment of her post?
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