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Old June 5th, 2006, 04:14 PM
James Brody James Brody is offline
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Default Re: Circularity: Science as the Culture of Change

Circularity is part of our common sense, of our faiths, and of empiricism. It's also a part of evolution...that is "repeat what works." And a critter knows what works because he's still alive!

Religions (and other kinds of cultures, perhaps including that of language) reinforce whatever works. Variation is suppressed except for very small steps and taken by deviants.

Science is the weird culture...a deliberated exploration rather than one that occurs only by undirected trial and error. But even science starts with "replication": can I repeat what works and what are the range of circumstances and what are the strings and levers for systematic variation?

But maybe, I'm a little full of caffeine and have tender knuckles right now, the costs of a delightful manic episode...

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