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Old July 1st, 2006, 04:15 PM
Fred H. Fred H. is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 483
Default Re: The Political Brain - More Evidence of Evolved Psychology

Tom: Of course, you can disprove this hypothesis by showing one time each person eats when they are not hungry.
You err my shortsighted friend—by MM’s circular reasoning, you could tell her that you’re not hungry, that you’re actually full (maybe even vomit a few times for confirmation), but that you’re going to chose to eat a piece of apple pie anyway, and then eat the piece of pie—but then MM, using her circular reasoning, could say that regardless of what you may have thought or believed about your hunger, you were in fact hungry b/c the only reason people eat is b/c they’re hungry and therefore you were in fact hungry, although you may not have been consciously aware that you were hungry.

And that, Tom, is why Margaret's circular hypothesis is useless—thanks for making the uselessness of her circularity so clear with your hunger example, albeit apparently unwittingly. Perhaps even MM will now begin to grasp the uselessness.
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