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Old August 8th, 2006, 10:01 PM
James Pretzer James Pretzer is offline
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Default Re: How to structure an advanced CBT course

It is difficult to make solid suggestions about how to structure an advanced CBT course without knowing more about what was covered in the first course. After a course that covers the basics of CBT and supervised experience on one or two cases, most grad students will need more supervised experience before they will really benefit from moving on to more advanced topics.

If I were teaching the class, I might be inclined to have them read a different text on CBT with children and adolescents than was used in the first-year course as well as a text on CBT with families. I'd try to locate good videos to watch and discuss. I'd present case examples and get them to discuss treatment options. I'd focus on conceptualizing cases in cognitive-behavioral terms and coming up with appropriate treatment plans. I'd try to help them make educated choices about whether to pursue individual therapy, family therapy, consultation with the parents, or a combination of the above. We'd discuss how to adjust CBT to take the child's developmental level into account. For their big project of the course I'd probably have them do a detailed case study including conceptualization, treatment plan, problems encountered or anticipated, and a brief summary of relevant research.

I hope these ideas are useful. Any suggestions from participants who have taken (or taught) similar classes would be appreciated.
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