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Old August 19th, 2006, 06:21 AM
troubledwaters troubledwaters is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 7
Default encapsulated "people"

I just read the thread "Encapsulating Parts of Self", but the thread was old enough that I felt I should start a new one.

I'm feeling such relief. Approx 7-8 yrs ago in therapy, somehow we got on the subject of what I've always thought of as 'my 15 year old'. We discussed the fact that I have 3 distinct younger people, but they weren't "P"ersonalities. He said he could recognize which one I was operating as quite easily. I was shocked because although I'd always visualized them as living in me, I had no idea someone else could recognize them or - and this is the big one - that it was ok! So we agreed to acknowledge them, with the clear understanding that I didn't have MPD (DID).

They're very distinct and different - ages 15, 8 and 3. I communicate with them now and then just through thinking, and recently have begun the right/left handwriting exersizes. Actually, the only one who communicates back to me is the 3 year old. They have so much to say and are in so much pain. For years I've spoken of certain times in my life in the third person, though not with everyone, of course. I never knew why, but it's never been particularly worrisome for me.

Anyway, that thread not only blew my mind, it also caused tears of relief because I dont think any of this will ever be over until I listen to them, accept them, and own what happened to them. Thank you for giving me permission, Sandra.

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