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Old September 21st, 2006, 12:55 PM
Janet Doron Janet Doron is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 15
Default Re: CBT, religious faith, current events....


Thank you for your ideas, support, and (if I may) inspiration.

I am travelling uncharted territory in this case, and I find myself continually challenged professionally, intellectually, philosophically and emotionally. I therefore feel responsibility lying more heavily on my shoulders, precisely because this is also an experience of growth to my own self. An erroneous approach due to insufficient knowledge or experience could cause harm, yet at times I have little but my own instinct to rely on. I tend to agree with the way you are seeing things, and I have at times instinctively approached similarly. I did need validation, reassurance and ideas from other professionals, or alternately, correction and guidance in choosing a better direction.

I will develop your specific ideas further. Sessions occasionally touch on the literary and philosophical, so that won't be difficult to do. I will also feel better about this approach (not challenging the negative schemas at all, but rather drawing on the positive forces) having received input from other, more experienced professionals.

Thank you for the Milton Erickson quote as well

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