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Old September 25th, 2006, 11:08 AM
John Simon John Simon is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 45
Default Re: CBT, religious faith, current events....

If you don't mind, I am going to throw out a couple more things. First, I wonder what will happen when you join him where he is as though his beliefs were truth. Let me give you an example. I recently saw an interview with Warren Buffett who is the 2nd richest man in the world. Many people do not realize that he owns several re-insurance companies that bascially insure the insurance companies in case their losses are too large to cover. In the interview, he estimated the probability of a nuke going off in a major city in the next 30 years as 60%. Obviously Buffett is not some fanatic so your client's beliefs may not be so crazy. If we assume that all of this is true then I would want to know the following:

1. Are there ways that he can give himself comfort? Does writing about the problems of the world help him? What does he want to tell his family about his love from them, knowing what will happen? Does he want to spend time thinking about the outcome since he already knows the end of the story or is there another way that he would like to spend his remaining time on earth? Knowing all of this, can he really do anything about it? I mean - many Christians believe that the world is in the end times as evidenced by several preachers going on TV and saying as much. To many, the signs of this are peaceful as an indication that God is in control despite the bad situations.

2. An even more basic question is what does he want to do now that he knows this stuff. Can he make the world a better place in the meantime.

3. I might also explore his beliefs about how God helps people in difficult situations. I mean does he think that God would allow him to be in that situation without giving him strength? There are several examples in the Bible that show how God helped people in difficult times. For instance, God parting the Red Sea and Jesus sending the Holy Spirit to the disciples after he left earth. Could he pray about his situation to get strength etc.

4. Does he have friends that have the same belief but have more comfort in the situation? How do they do it etc?

5. Would he be more likely to make it through the tough situations ahead if he was well rested and clear minded or if he is tired from all of his anxiety?

I might ask him if he has a pastor or priest that he really trusts. If he does then I might ask to bring him into the sessions for a couple of visits. Maybe a pastor would be on more solid ground to give him some advice about his beliefs as this is a largely spiritual issue.

One other thing. Jay Haley used to say that when things are not working, it helps to come up with another hypothesis. Janet, I would really encourage you to drop the hypothesis that he belief system came from his childhood. Just really focus in on the truth of his argument. At minimum, you will just build on your alliance with the client which is a strong element of change. In other words, OK you are right so now what do we do?

Just my 2 cents worth.

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