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Old September 26th, 2006, 10:55 PM
Janet Doron Janet Doron is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 15
Default Re: CBT, religious faith, current events....

Hello, Healer.

Thank you for your suggestions. I am afraid I am simply not personally qualified to offer instruction, guidance and follow up in the direction you recommend. Somebody else would have to do that with him if he so chooses.

I do know he spent considerable time researching other religions in the remote past (including Hindu) and integrating principles from various other belief systems into his Christian faith, which he eventually strengthened by doing that. We never went into the details at length. He actually takes pride in the rigorous analytic and comparative 'furnace' he has already put his faith through, and that for many years.

He is most certainly a spiritually oriented person, and what seems to have the most calming and healing effect on him is creative pursuits. When he is involved in art (or music), his "right side of the brain" takes over, he forgets time and place, he thinks in forms, colors and design rather than in words, he perceives the whole rather than the fragmented/analyzed, and becomes relaxed. It seems to have as good an effect as I believe meditation has.
He doesn't seem to define his goal as 'needing to feel better' but as 'needing to overcome concrete obstacles', and it appears that he values challenging them/himself intellectually, seeing that he chose the approaches of CBT.
I am trying to 'deliver the goods' according to his wishes, and with the tools that I do have. It'll be up to someone else to guide him along different paths.

Interesting quote you posted (a religious man fears hell; a spiritual man was already there - and back); It makes intuitive and poetic sense - I am enjoying it rather than implementing rigorous analysis here

Thanks very much for your input

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