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Old March 15th, 2007, 09:38 PM
James Pretzer James Pretzer is offline
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Default Re: Controversy regarding PTSD

I don't know if there's a significant difference between the two sides of the Atlantic on this or not. We base our interventions on an individualized formulation but if the problem is one where a body of research has accumulated and there are treatment protocols that usually are effective, we take this into account in developing our formulation and coming up with a treatment plan.

In the case of PTSD, it has been assumed by many that PTSD is a direct result of experiencing trauma and a number of treatment approaches have been developed that emphasize some form of prolonged exposure. Some of the recent research raises questions about the connection between trauma and PTSD. Does this mean we need to revisit the rationale for exposure-based treatment?

I don't think we'll need to re-evaluate exposure-based treatment for PTSD, but if we can understand why trauma sometimes leads to PTSD and sometimes doesn't, this may help us find ways to increase the effectiveness of treatment.
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