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Old June 13th, 2008, 12:06 PM
James Brody James Brody is offline
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Cool Global: "What a scam"

Coleman founded the weather channel. He has thoughts about Mr. Gore and his swarm. I share them. One of my clients sobbed in her middle school class after seeing the Gore film. He earned a hundred million but is not worth one of her tears...


"Global Warming and the Price of a Gallon of Gas

by John Coleman

"You may want to give credit where credit is due to Al Gore and his global warming campaign the next time you fill your car with gasoline, because there is a direct connection between Global Warming and four dollar a gallon gas. It is shocking, but true, to learn that the entire Global Warming frenzy is based on the environmentalist's attack on fossil fuels, particularly gasoline. All this big time science, international meetings, thick research papers, dire threats for the future; all of it, comes down to their claim that the carbon dioxide in the exhaust from your car and in the smoke stacks from our power plants is destroying the climate of planet Earth. What an amazing fraud; what a scam."

Lots more at
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