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Old July 7th, 2008, 12:29 PM
Rod Whiteley Rod Whiteley is offline
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Default Re: Big push to train British therapists in CBT

Also, the big push stretches the meaning of the term CBT...

Low-intensity workers assess and support patients with common mental health problems (principally anxiety and depression) in the self-management of their recovery. Treatment programmes are designed to aid clinical improvement and social inclusion – including return to work or other meaningful activity. Low-intensity workers do this through the provision of information and support for evidence-based low-intensity psychological treatments, mainly involving cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). Low-intensity psychological treatments place a greater emphasis on patient self-management and are less burdensome then traditional psychological treatments. Examples include guided self-help and computerised CBT. Support is specifically designed to enable patients to optimise their use of self-management recovery information and may be delivered through face-to-face, telephone, email or other contact methods. Low-intensity workers are expected to operate in a stepped-care, high-volume environment carrying as many as 45 active cases at any one time, with workers completing treatment of between 175 and 250 patients per year. Low-intensity workers also provide information on common pharmacological treatments and support patients in decisions which optimise their use of such treatments.
From: Curriculum for low‑intensity therapies workers (PDF)
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