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Old March 4th, 2009, 10:50 AM
Fred H. Fred H. is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 483
Default Re: Religious attendance not devotion predicts support for suicide attacks

Religion’s social nature, not devotion, predicts support for suicide attacks? Nonsense. The essentials of the study tell us that Islam, not religion per se, predicts support for suicide attacks.

As the article notes, “suicide attacks are rare or non-existent in [faiths other than the Muslim faith].”

IOW, if there were a thousand suicide attacks last year, by Ginges’ reckoning around 2/3 could be blamed on Islam’s social nature, around 1/3 on Islamic devotion, and probably none would have been committed by Christians or Jews, Christian/Jewish social nature or religious devotion notwithstanding.

The issue of suicide attacks isn’t really a question of religion’s social nature vs. devotion, but rather a question of the Islam vs. other religions. What the study actually tells us is what anyone paying attention already knows----it’s not religion’s social nature or devotion that predicts suicide attacks, it’s Islam----it’s social nature and/or devotion notwithstanding----that predicts suicide attacks. Hello?

OTOH, I realize that current PC compelled Ginges’ approach to the issue and his obtuse conclusion; and what I think all this actually tells us is this: PC may well be our undoing.
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