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Old April 3rd, 2009, 10:43 AM
Sandra Paulsen Sandra Paulsen is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Bainbridge Island WA
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Default Re: Headache as symptom of anxiety

I'm sure there are stress/tension headaches that are symptoms of anxiety per se, but be aware that focal headaches that emerge during a session in direct response to an intervention are sometimes associated with an undiagnosed dissociative disorder. Sudden focal headaches that come and go can be associated with approach/avoidance conflicts associated with specific ego states. This can be tested with an ego state intervention designed to give a voice to the poles of a conflict. Those two poles can have quite different cognitions related to self-efficacy, expectations, distortions, even orientation to person place and time. Exploration of those dimensions can provide opportunities for intervention and the headaches can be both utilized as a source of information about internal states and resolved as conflicting beliefs are resolved.
"Looking Through the Eyes of Trauma & Dissociation"
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