Thread: DID and EMDR
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Old April 4th, 2009, 09:07 PM
Sandra Paulsen Sandra Paulsen is offline
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Default Re: DID and EMDR

I forgot an important part. When people choose to avoid the work, typically they reenact the unspoken story because it exerts pressure on their emotions, thoughts, body sensations and behavior for their whole life. Their relationships are effected, as are their health, sleep, work, and overall happiness. Then as they approach the sunset of their life, they grieve to have never been fully present in their life, because the "I" was dissociated. They may feel empty or as if they are not quite real.

So its a devils choice, and not for wimps, but for those who grab the brass ring of treatment and face what has been avoided and disowned, it is possible to heal and be more fully present.
"Looking Through the Eyes of Trauma & Dissociation"
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