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Old May 2nd, 2010, 02:27 AM
Bertrand Bertrand is offline
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Hawaii
Posts: 6
Default Re: Self-Control of Thought

I think control is not the best choice of words here...

I do think the approach you are describing is a good one, though...

But 'control' can also become a terrible trap for some people.

Actually, I think what you are really describing here is not 'control' at all, but is instead "creation".

You are really outlining an approach to creating a better life / healthier / happier self.

So what you are describing is a kind of creation more so than control.

Another risk with the word 'control' is that if someone wants to try your approach, and gets the wrong idea, they will become very controlling (in the negative sense) in trying to implement your program, which will tend to sabotage their efforts.

Whereas the word 'creation' or 'creating', will set them on the right track from the start.

Please understand, however, I am not disagreeing with your approach (I think it makes a lot of sense and could work very well). Just the word 'control' since control can be a real trap for some people.
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