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Old October 13th, 2010, 11:00 AM
James Pretzer James Pretzer is offline
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Default Does training in CBT improve outcomes?

Since CBT has a good track record in treating a range of problems, it would seem to go without saying that training therapists in CBT would improve outcomes. There is quite a bit of evidence that therapists who are practicing CBT produce good outcomes in real-life community settings. However, there actually hasn't been much research that looks directly at whether training community therapists in CBT makes a difference in the effectiveness of the treatment they provide.

A recent study (Simons, et al, 2010) examines the effects of training community therapists in CBT by comparing the performance of 12 community therapists who received CBT training (a two-day workshop followed by a year of group telephone consultation) with their performance before they received the training. After receiving the training, the therapists performed better on the Cognitive Therapy Rating Scale and their clients showed significantly greater improvement in both depression and anxiety. In other words, training in CBT worked and resulted in significant improvements in outcome.

This is good news for those of us who provide training in CBT.

For more on training in CBT see: Big push to train British therapists in CBT, How do I find good training in CBT?, Would your Agency, Hospital, or Organization like to offer training in CBT? and Scholarships for CBT Training at Beck Institute.
Simons, A. D., et al, (2010).Training and dissemination of Cognitive Behavior Therapy for depression in adults: A preliminary examination of therapist competence and client outcomes. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 78, 751-756.
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