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Old November 6th, 2004, 09:50 PM
George Neeson George Neeson is offline
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Location: Elizabethtown, Ontario, Canada
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Cool Re: From the ground up ... an Adlerian primer??

Now as the Life Style moves away from the inferiority feeling toward the fictional goal of superiority, it also moves against mankind. This self seeking "solution" of the black feeling of nothingness can only be self serving and an accusation against the human race. No one can elevate themselves above others without at the same time "pushing others down so to speak". It is even in Newtonian mechanics, "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction...". Thus if I seek to elevate myself I, de facto, must push others down. Thus the aggressiveness of the compensatory striving is very real. It is movement in a wrong direction. Now nobody likes to get "caught with their pants down", so this movement is hidden behind a counterfiction. Things like "Well I would love to help my neighbour and I agree everybody should do that, but you see I can't because every time I go to my neighbour's house I remember the abuse that occurred behind the door of my house and I just get too nervous". No, No NO, they do not get nervous, they crank up the nervous response to excuse themselves from helping the neighbour. And it sounds so convincing. It is a "trick" to draw our attention away from what they are not doing while they look so good and we must pity them and help them whenever they request!

What then about "depression"? Depression is also a side show. It is a very powerful tool in the path of mastery of the local community. If one creates a depression it is utterly egocentric. The world revolves around the fiction of their lonely abandoned state. What can we expect of one who so acutely suffers? They are excused from almost all their reasonable social tasks and may just lie in bed languishing in their self created misery. It is an utter condemnation of a world that would dare ask them to be fellow people. Their world is utterly egocentric and life must revolve around their self created suffering. Now this must be differentiated carefully from normal grief in which the pain of a recent loss is understandable and such a person needs the milk of human kindness and our compassion and support. No, we are talking about the use of the depression symptom to escape with an "iron clad excuse", their reasonable contribution to mankind! Depression is the "brilliant creation" of a person who does not have the courage to undertake one or more of the three life tasks. No, they languish in their self created misery and seek to put the community in their service. Depression may also be a counterfiction to make them look good when they have no intention of participating in the human endeavour. They excuse themselves and it troubles me deeply when I see physicians collude in this charade!

Now if that is not a "concealed aggressive attitude toward mankind", then just what is it? They will have a number of counter fictions but all of them will be in keeping with their "Style of Life", their "Guiding Line". Again watch the movement. Pay special attention to what they do and perhaps even more to what they do not do. What they do not do will have a mask of "niceness" so we do not catch their mischief unless one has an Adlerian understanding and thinks teleologically about their hidden goal.
George Neeson M.D.

Last edited by George Neeson; October 27th, 2007 at 11:09 PM.. Reason: Added information
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